Category: General Health
General Health
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The Benefits Of Changing Up Your Exercise Routine
Sometimes it’s best to change up your workout routine – at least every six months – to keep your body guessing. New exercises can...
General Health
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How To Balance Your Workouts?
Everyone has heard the phrase “work out on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and lift on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.” The problem is this can...
General Health
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Getting Rid Of Stress With Yoga
Yoga has always been a popular method for both relaxation and stress reduction, but it’s also a great way to stay fit-as there are...
General Health
Mental Health
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Why It Is Still Early Days For CBD
It is early days for the CBD movement, and it’s difficult to tell if it will eventually gain momentum. Unlike other health trends in...
General Health
My Blog
OTC Medications for Every Skin Condition
OTC medications are over-the-counter medicines that are available for purchase without a prescription. Some examples of OTC medications include cough and cold medications, pain...
General Health
Common Medications You Can’t Drink Alcohol With
When it comes to mixing alcohol with medication, it’s crucial to understand your body’s limits. While you might think you can handle any drink...
General Health
How Much Protein Is Good For You?
Most people are aware that too much of something isn’t always a good thing, but it’s a rare person that knows how much protein...
General Health
Is My Prescription Allergy-Friendly
You’ve been told that going gluten-free is the best way to avoid the stomach problems and sickness you get from consuming wheat. But is...
General Health
How To Boost Your Health
The fact is, we’re all going to die. Sometimes, however, the healthiest way to face that death is to live as healthily as possible....