Mental Health My Blog

How Work Can Affect Mental Health and What Business Owners Can Do?

Work affects mental health. Whether it’s the stress of a demanding job, long office hours, constant travel, or the stress of juggling a career,...
General Health Mental Health My Blog

Why You Shouldn’t Keep Mental Health Issues to Yourself

Mental health issues like depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, schizophrenia, as well as ADD/ADHD among others are scary things to discuss. Many people fear the...
Mental Health My Blog

Why Therapy Might Be a Good Solution to Help Your Mental Health

Therapy can be a tough sell. For many people, the idea of a one-on-one meeting with a stranger is terrifying. They worry that their...
Life Lessons Mental Health My Blog

How to Stop Seeking Validation from Others

Humans are social creatures that constantly need to simply belong. We all need validation from others in order to feel safe and secure. Though...
Mental Health My Blog Yoga

4 Ways to Stimulate Your Mental Fitness

Did you know that there are ways to stimulate your mental fitness? There are a few different methods that can help improve your mental...
Mental Health

How To Deal with Anxiety Naturally

Anxiety is a part of everyone’s life, and everyone’s life is full of difficult situations; that’s why you can’t be anxious all the time....
General Health Mental Health My Blog

Why It Is Still Early Days For CBD

It is early days for the CBD movement, and it’s difficult to tell if it will eventually gain momentum. Unlike other health trends in...
Mental Health My Blog

Why Some People Think CBD Could Help Those on Opioids

When it comes to treatment for chronic pain, the options are pretty limited. Although medications like Percocet and Oxycodone have been used to treat...
Mental Health My Blog

Natural Solutions to Student Anxiety

Anxiety and stress are some common problems encountered by many students today. Some of us feel pressured and anxious because of hectic schedules at...
Life Lessons Mental Health

Keeping Safe During Covid-19

Preparation is key when it comes to keeping safe during any natural catastrophes, but Covid-19 is one of the most dangerous to people and...